Metabolic Balance
Metabolic Balance in Munich
Metabolic Balance is not a diet but a holistic metabolism program that helps you to reduce your weight and activate your metabolism.
You will receive an individually designed Metabolic Balance diet plan
The Metabolic Balance program is composed of four stages and takes approximately 3 months.
During the period of the dietary change, you will be individually advised and measured by me.
The changes in your body are determined by weight, circumference and body composition.
What is "Metabolic Balance"?
Get an overview of the unique metabolism programme.
Metabolic Balance
is a balanced, healthy diet, which makes it unnecessary to take food supplements.
Metabolic Balance
is easy to implement in everyday life and doesn require any specific knowledge.
Metabolic Balance
can solve your weight problems. Your body is only supplied with substances that you really need.
Metabolic Balance
is a way to keep the weight for a long time.
Metabolic Balance
reduces the metabolic syndrome that exists in more than 60% of the population.
Metabolic Balance
does not focus on classic calorie counting, but is a dietary change.
Metabolic Balance
is a balanced, healthy diet, which makes it unnecessary to take food supplements.
Metabolic Balance
can solve your weight problems. Your body is only supplied with substances that you really need.
Metabolic Balance
is easy to implement in everyday life and doesn't require any specific knowledge.
Metabolic Balance
is a way to keep the weight for a long time.
Metabolic Balance
reduces the metabolic syndrome that exists in more than 60% of the population.
Metabolic Balance
does not focus on classic calorie counting, but is a dietary change.
Both are individual and unique:
You and the Metabolic Balance nutrition plan