About me

Curriculum vitae

  • Study of human medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

  • Physician at the Institute of Anesthesiology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

  • Specialist in nutritional medicine

  • Realization of nutritional studies at Harrison Clinical Research Deutschland GmbH

  • Education as Metabolic Balance® consultant, Isen, Deutschland

  • Pedagogic-psychological training for specialists in nutricial medicine, BDEM, Freiburg

  • Acquisition of the "Health Promotion and Prevention" qualification of the Berlin Medical

  • Association Editorial activity in nutritional medicine at Edenred Deutschland GmbH

  • Course instructor for Temedica - Waya Appdigital app: a companion on the way to your desired weight


Media contributions:

Here you will find many interesting and helpful articles. Feel free to browse and be inspired.

Edenred Deutschland GmbH vom 18.10.2013

Edenred Deutschland GmbH vom 02.05.2014 

ZDFzeit Beitrag vom 30.01.2018
(Video nicht mehr verfügbar)

Abschlussarbeit von Johann Fischer, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Juni 2019

Beitrag in der Zeitschrift SHAPE vom September 2018

RTL-Extra Fernseh-Beitrag vom 28.01.2019

Bayerisches Fernsehen vom 25.07.2019

Internet Podcast mybacs vom Mai 2020

ZDFzeit Beitrag vom 25.06.2020

TZ München Wochenend-Beitrag vom 13./14. November 2021

Kabel 1 Magazin am 03.02.2022

PRO7 - Galileo Video-Beitrag vom 09.03.2022

Beitrag im Münchner Merkur vom 17.03.2022

Weight loss only with competitive physical sports?

Not with me. I provide you with targeted and sustainable support.

Cooperations and memberships

Personal contacts, exchange of experience, collegial cooperation and memberships are valuable advantages for my work.



Dr. med. Michael Horn, Facharzt für Orthopädie, München
Edenred Deutschland GmbH, München
Temedica GmbH (Waya App), München
mybacs GmbH, Zug, Schweiz

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